
Larox 蠕动泵可用于酿造业中处理硅藻土

来源:九正建材网 发布日期:2006-12-24 10:01:16 查看次数:
【九正建材网】 Larox的LPP蠕动泵现在可以很可靠用于硅藻土(硅藻土:一种细粉状硅藻土,在工业上用作过滤器、助滤剂、吸收剂、填料和绝


    为了使泵的过滤效果优化,Paulaner Brauerei,德国慕尼黑**大的酿造厂,用Larox的一款蠕动泵(LPP40)取代以前的软管泵来给压力过滤器(在处理前给用过的硅藻土脱水)输送硅藻土。在过滤原料石,原料供给线压力会从0增到7.5bar。当供给线的压力震动**小时这个压力通过频率反用换流器来控制泵的转速。


    Larox peristaltic pump can be used in brewing

    Larox"s LPP peristaltic pumps can now reliably handle kieselguhr (aka diatomaceous earth or diatomite). Kieselguhr, used in brewing, is extremely abrasive, and can cause severe wear in conventional pumps.     To optimise the pumps" filtration efficiency, Paulaner Brauerei, the largest brewery in Munich , Germany , replaced a traditional hose pump with a Larox peristaltic pump (LPP 40) to feed kieselguhr to a pressure filter which dewaters the spent kieselguhr before disposal. During the filter feed, the feed line pressure increases from 0 to 7.5 bar. This pressure controls the pump speed through a frequency inverter whilst the pressure pulsation in the feed line is minimised. Since its installation in June 2005, the pump has been in continuous operation, Larox says.





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